Results for 'Christian Houth Vrangbæk'

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  1.  5
    Paths in free will: theology, philosophy and literature from the late Middle Ages to the Reformation.Lorenzo Geri, Christian Houth Vrangbæk & Pasquale Terracciano (eds.) - 2020 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Can the world be shown to be indeterministic after all?Christian Wuthrich - 2011 - In Claus Beisbart & Stephan Hartmann (eds.), Probabilities in Physics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 365--389.
    This essay considers and evaluates recent results and arguments from classical chaotic systems theory and non-relativistic quantum mechanics that pertain to the question of whether our world is deterministic or indeterministic. While the classical results are inconclusive, quantum mechanics is often assumed to establish indeterminism insofar as the measurement process involves an ineliminable stochastic element, even though the dynamics between two measurements is considered fully deterministic. While this latter claim concerning the Schrödinger evolution must be qualified, the former fully depends (...)
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    Nucleosome functions in spindle assembly and nuclear envelope formation.Christian Zierhut & Hironori Funabiki - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1074-1085.
    Chromosomes are not only carriers of the genetic material, but also actively regulate the assembly of complex intracellular architectures. During mitosis, chromosome‐induced microtubule polymerisation ensures spindle assembly in cells without centrosomes and plays a supportive role in centrosome‐containing cells. Chromosomal signals also mediate post‐mitotic nuclear envelope (NE) re‐formation. Recent studies using novel approaches to manipulate histones in oocytes, where functions can be analysed in the absence of transcription, have established that nucleosomes, but not DNA alone, mediate the chromosomal regulation of (...)
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    (1 other version)La dissémination de la recherche en sciences économiques : les « cahiers de recherche ».Christian Zimmermann - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):43.
    Publier en sciences économiques impose des délais considérables se chiffrant facilement en de multiples années, de la soumission à la parution. Aussi, le contenu des revues est en retard par rapport à la frontière de la recherche. Les principaux médias pour s’informer de cette frontière sont alors les conférences et les cahiers de recherche, des polycopiés qui circulent parmi certains scientifiques. Ceci favorise la formation de petits cercles fermés et exclut la participation de tiers à la pointe de la recherche. (...)
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    Raiders of the lost spacetime.Christian Wüthrich - 2016 - In Dennis Lehmkuhl, Gregor Schiemann & Erhard Scholz (eds.), Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories. New York, NY: Birkhauser.
    Spacetime as we know and love it is lost in most approaches to quantum gravity. For many of these approaches, as inchoate and incomplete as they may be, one of the main challenges is to relate what they take to be the fundamental non-spatiotemporal structure of the world back to the classical spacetime of GR. The present essay investigates how spacetime is lost and how it may be regained in one major approach to quantum gravity, loop quantum gravity.
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    Helena Eilstein (ed.), A collection of polish works on philosophical problems of time and spacetime.Christian Wüthrich - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (2):265-270.
  7. Arendtian Constitutionalism: Law, Politics and the Order of Freedom.Christian Volk - unknown
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    „Odi profanum vulgus et arceo“. Zwei lateinische Oden des Schülers Nietzsche.Christian Wollek - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):258-275.
    The detailed interpretation and translation of Nietzsche’s early Latin odes clearly show that Horace’s lyric poetry has an exemplary function for the development of Nietzsche’s own poetic language. Even in his later works, such as Twilight of the Idols and the Dionysos-Dithyrambs, Nietzsche’s poetic style and rhetorical strategies remain indebted to his early attempts to emulate classical Latin poetry when he was a pupil at the Pforta boarding school.
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    Vier Schriften zum Ende von Wolffs erster Lehrperiode an der Universität Halle.Christian Wolff - 1724 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Stefan Borchers.
  10.  46
    Global Governance: CSR and the Role of the UN Global Compact.Christian Voegtlin & Nicola M. Pless - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):179-191.
    The article discusses the role of the UN Global Compact in the emerging global corporate social responsibility infrastructure. It evaluates the debate around the effectiveness and legitimacy of the UNGC alongside the arguments of its supporters and critics and thereby introduces the Thematic Symposium contributions. The article further identifies three theoretical perspectives that are used by scholars to discuss the performance of the UNGC: economic, socio-historical, and normative. It proposes that these perspectives can serve as generic distinctions with direct relevance (...)
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  11. A model of path-dependence in decisions over multiple propositions.Christian List - 2004 - American Political Science Review 98 (3):495-513.
    I model sequential decisions over multiple interconnected propositions and investigate path-dependence in such decisions. The propositions and their interconnections are represented in propositional logic. A sequential decision process is path-dependent if its outcome depends on the order in which the propositions are considered. Assuming that earlier decisions constrain later ones, I prove three main results: First, certain rationality violations by the decision-making agent—individual or group—are necessary and sufficient for path-dependence. Second, under some conditions, path-dependence is unavoidable in decisions made by (...)
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  12. The Structure of Causal Sets.Christian Wüthrich - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (2):223-241.
    More often than not, recently popular structuralist interpretations of physical theories leave the central concept of a structure insufficiently precisified. The incipient causal sets approach to quantum gravity offers a paradigmatic case of a physical theory predestined to be interpreted in structuralist terms. It is shown how employing structuralism lends itself to a natural interpretation of the physical meaning of causal set theory. Conversely, the conceptually exceptionally clear case of causal sets is used as a foil to illustrate how a (...)
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    When the actual world is not even possible.Christian Wüthrich - unknown
    Approaches to quantum gravity often involve the disappearance of space and time at the fundamental level. The metaphysical consequences of this disappearance are profound, as is illustrated with David Lewis's analysis of modality. As Lewis's possible worlds are unified by the spatiotemporal relations among their parts, the non-fundamentality of spacetime---if borne out---suggests a serious problem for his analysis: his pluriverse, for all its ontological abundance, does not contain our world. Although the mere existence---as opposed to the fundamentality---of spacetime must be (...)
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  14. Sellars on Descartes.Christian Barth - 2018 - In Luca Corti & Antonio M. Nunziante (eds.), Sellars and the History of Modern Philosophy. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 15-35.
    This essay is a critical assessment of Sellars' interpretation and criticism of Descartes. It argues that Sellars made several mistakes in his view of Descartes, although the general thrust of his critique is sound.
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    Transnational Governance, Deliberative Democracy, and the Legitimacy of ISO 26000: Analyzing the Case of a Global Multistakeholder Process.Christian Weidtmann & Rüdiger Hahn - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (1):90-129.
    Globalization arguably generated a governance gap that is being filled by transnational rule-making involving private actors among others. The democratic legitimacy of such new forms of governance beyond nation states is sometimes questioned. Apart from nation-centered democracies, such governance cannot build, for example, on representation and voting procedures to convey legitimacy to the generated rules. Instead, alternative elements of democracy such as deliberation and inclusion require discussion to assess new instruments of governance. The recently published standard ISO 26000 is an (...)
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    Decentered ethics in the machine era and guidance for AI regulation.Christian Hugo Hoffmann & Benjamin Hahn - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):635-644.
    Recent advancements in AI have prompted a large number of AI ethics guidelines published by governments and nonprofits. While many of these papers propose concrete or seemingly applicable ideas, few philosophically sound proposals are made. In particular, we observe that the line of questioning has often not been examined critically and underlying conceptual problems not always dealt with at the root. In this paper, we investigate the nature of ethical AI systems and what their moral status might be by first (...)
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    Deep Brain Stimulation and Neuropsychiatric Anthropology – The “Prosthetisability” of the Lifeworld.Christian Ineichen & Walter Glannon - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):3-11.
    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) represents a key area of neuromodulation that has gained wide adoption for the treatment of neurological and experimental testing for psychiatric disorders. It is associated with specific therapeutic effects based on the precision of an evolving mechanistic neuroscientific understanding. At the same time, there are obstacles to achieving symptom relief because of the incompleteness of such an understanding. These obstacles are at least in part based on the complexity of neuropsychiatric disorders and the incompleteness of DBS (...)
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  18. Desiring the truth and nothing but the truth.Christian Piller - 2009 - Noûs 43 (2):193-213.
  19.  52
    (3 other versions)The methodology of political theory.Christian List & Laura Valentini - unknown - In .
    This article examines the methodology of a core branch of contemporary political theory or philosophy: “analytic” political theory. After distinguishing political theory from related fields, such as political science, moral philosophy, and legal theory, the article discusses the analysis of political concepts. It then turns to the notions of principles and theories, as distinct from concepts, and reviews the methods of assessing such principles and theories, for the purpose of justifying or criticizing them. Finally, it looks at a recent debate (...)
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    Beauty, Genius, and Mathematics: Why Did Kant Change His Mind?Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (4):415 - 432.
  21.  36
    Price of precaution of human-pig chimeras for transplantation purposes.Christian Munthe - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):447-448.
    In response to Koplin and Wilkinson, I argue, first, that the uncertain clinical prospects of human-pig chimera based transplantation makes the reason to spend resources for clarifying whether such practice might imply serious ethical breach due to enhanced cognitive capacities of the chimeras rather weak. T he benefits of further pursuing this avenue of research is so uncertain, so that taking even very unclear risks of serious ethical breach (thus in need of clarification for justification of the research) is not (...)
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    Einleitung.Christian Kiening & Martina Stercken - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):3-8.
    One cannot scrutinize mediality in a pre-media age without referring to the complex issue of Christology. The idea of Christ as medium and mediator concerns not only particular theological questions but also general issues of translation and transference, as well as models of word and image. This paper sketches first the notion of Christ′s mediality up to early Scholasticism and then highlights the new conceptual patterns developed by Bonaventure (Collationes in Hexaemeron) and Nicolas of Cusa (De visione dei).
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    Schrödinger’s Cat and the Ethically Untenable Act of Not Looking.Christian J. Vercler & Naomi Tricot Laventhal - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):40-42.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 40-42.
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    Defining Rhetorical Argumentation.Christian Kock - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (4):437-464.
    If there is a specifically rhetorical approach to argumentation, I believe it is one that studies argumentation that is specifically rhetorical. So if we want to ask, “What is the rhetorical approach to argumentation?” we should first ask, “What is rhetorical argumentation?” It is worthwhile focusing on this question because various misleading definitions of rhetorical argumentation have been in circulation for almost as long as rhetoric has existed. Some misleading definitions see the defining property of rhetorical argumentation in the arguer’s (...)
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  25.  20
    Deleuze e a escrita: entre a filosofia e a literatura.Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):53-72.
    Resumo: Esse ensaio buscará sondar as relações entre filosofia e literatura, no pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, a despeito de sua parceria conjunta com Félix Guattari, atentando tanto para as concepções de escrita expressas ao longo de sua obra quanto para o modo como essas concepções teriam influenciado o estilo de seus escritos filosóficos. Partindo da premissa deleuziana de que a escrita possui um acentuado lastro clínico, sendo a responsável pela elaboração de um diagnóstico das forças capazes de aprisionar ou calar (...)
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    Time Travelling in Emergent Spacetime.Christian Wüthrich - 2021 - In Judit Madarász & Gergely Székely (eds.), Hajnal Andréka and István Németi on Unity of Science: From Computing to Relativity Theory Through Algebraic Logic. Springer. pp. 453-474.
    Most approaches to quantum gravity suggest that relativistic spacetime is not fundamental, but instead emerges from some non-spatiotemporal structure. This paper investigates the implications of this suggestion for the possibility of time travel in the sense of the existence of closed timelike curves in some relativistic spacetimes. In short, will quantum gravity reverse or strengthen general relativity’s verdict that time travel is possible?
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  27. An Affective Neuroscience Framework for the Molecular Study of Internet Addiction.Christian Montag, Cornelia Sindermann, Benjamin Becker & Jaak Panksepp - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Theoretical Development and Empirical Examination of a Three-Roles Model of Responsible Leadership.Christian Voegtlin, Colina Frisch, Andreas Walther & Pascale Schwab - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):411-431.
    This article develops theory on responsible leadership based on a model involving three leadership roles: an expert who displays organizational expertise, a facilitator who cares for and motivates employees and a citizen who considers the consequences of her or his decisions for society. It draws on previous responsible leadership research, stakeholder theory and theories of behavioral complexity to conceptualize the roles model of responsible leadership. Responsible leadership is positioned as a concept that requires leaders to show behavioral complexity in addressing (...)
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    Permissibility or Priority? Testing or Screening? Essential Distinctions in the Ethics of Prenatal Testing.Christian Munthe - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):30-32.
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    The morality of scientific openness.Christian Munthe & Stellan Welin - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (4):411-428.
    The ideal of scientific openness — i.e. the idea that scientific information should be freely accessible to interested parties — is strongly supported throughout the scientific community. At the same time, however, this ideal does not appear to be absolute in the everyday practice of science. In order to get the credit for new scientific advances, scientists often keep information to themselves. Also, it is common practice to withhold information obtained in commissioned research when the scientist has agreed with his (...)
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  31. Ästhetik als praktische Philosophie: Zur impliziten Ästhetik von Carl Stumpf.Christian G. Allesch - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi.
  32.  17
    Efficient multi-agent epistemic planning: Teaching planners about nested belief.Christian Muise, Vaishak Belle, Paolo Felli, Sheila McIlraith, Tim Miller, Adrian R. Pearce & Liz Sonenberg - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 302 (C):103605.
  33. A twist in the geometry of rotating Black holes: Seeking the cause of acausality.Christian Wüthrich, Hajnal Andréka & István Németi - manuscript
    We investigate Kerr–Newman black holes in which a rotating charged ring-shaped singularity induces a region which contains closed timelike curves (CTCs). Contrary to popular belief, it turns out that the time orientation of the CTC is oppo- site to the direction in which the singularity or the ergosphere rotates. In this sense, CTCs “counter-rotate” against the rotating black hole. We have similar results for all spacetimes sufficiently familiar to us in which rotation induces CTCs. This motivates our conjecture that perhaps (...)
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  34. .Christian Niemeyer - unknown
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    Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Philosophical Perspectives.Christian David Perring & Lloyd A. Wells (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    Within child and adolescent psychiatry, there are a number of potential dilemmas pertaining to diagnosis, treatment, the protection of the child, as well as the child's own developing intelligence and moral judgement. Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is the first in the IPPP series to explore this highly complex topic.
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    Erste Philosophie oder Ontologie.Christian Wolff - 2005 - In Dirk Effertz (ed.), Philosophia Prima sive Ontologia XXXII. Meiner. pp. 1-78.
    In den Paragraphen 1–78 seiner "Ontologia", die dieser Band enthält, entwickelt Wolff die grundlegenden Prinzipien seiner Metaphysik. Die Ausgabe bietet den Text erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung.
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  37. Über die implizite Ästhetic Carl Stumpfs.Christian G. Allesch - 2012 - In Günther Rötter & Martin Ebeling (eds.), Hören und Fühlen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
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  38. Consumer satisfaction and confirmation of habits of comprehension: The effect of inductive print advertisements.Christian Andersen & Bent Sørensen - forthcoming - Semiotica.
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    Die Schule Kants: Mit dem Text von Christian Schiffert über das Königsberger Collegium Fridericianum.Heiner F. Klemme & Christian Schiffert - 1994 - Meiner, F.
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    Islamische Menschenrechtskonzepte.Christian Stahmann - 1994 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 38 (1):142-152.
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    Die Devise der wahren Gelehrsamkeit Zur satirischen Absicht von Lessings Komödie Der junge Gelehrte.Rolf Christian Zimmermann - 1992 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 66 (2):283-299.
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    One Time, Two Times, or No Time?Christian Wüthrich - 2021 - In Alessandra Campo & Simone Gozzano (eds.), Einstein Vs. Bergson: An Enduring Quarrel on Time. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 209-230.
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  43. Distributed cognition: A perspective from social choice theory.Christian List - 2003 - In M. Albert, D. Schmidtchen & S Voigt (eds.), Scientific Competition: Theory and Policy, Conferences on New Political Economy. Mohr Siebeck.
    Distributed cognition refers to processes which are (i) cognitive and (ii) distributed across multiple agents or devices rather than performed by a single agent. Distributed cognition has attracted interest in several fields ranging from sociology and law to computer science and the philosophy of science. In this paper, I discuss distributed cognition from a social-choice-theoretic perspective. Drawing on models of judgment aggregation, I address two questions. First, how can we model a group of individuals as a distributed cognitive system? Second, (...)
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    Hannah Arendt and the Constitutional Theorem of De‐Hierarchization. Origins, Consequences, Meaning.Christian Volk - 2015 - Constellations 22 (2):175-187.
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    Vernünfftige Gedancken von den Absichten der natürlichen Dinge.Christian Wolff - 1726 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Hans Werner Arndt.
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    Sleep-Dependent Consolidation of Rewarded Behavior Is Diminished in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and a Comorbid Disorder of Social Behavior.Christian D. Wiesner, Ina Molzow, Alexander Prehn-Kristensen & Lioba Baving - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  47. Imaging Brain Structure in FASD.Christian Beaulieu & Sarah Treit - 2018 - In Ian Binnie, Sterling Clarren & Egon Jonsson (eds.), Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders : Foundational Issues. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Home Education and Social Integration.Christian W. Beck - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (2):59-69.
    If school attendance is important for social integration, then a particular out of school practice like home education could possibly represent a threat to social integration. The findings of a Norwegian research project that surveyed socialization among Norwegian home educated students from different regions are presented and discussed using socialization theory and a theory of cultural order. Among the conclusions are the following: Pragmatically motivated home educated students are often socially well integrated. Religiously motivated home educated students that hold values (...)
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    L'œuvre de Pierre Charron, 1541-1603: littérature et théologie de Montaigne à Port-Royal.Christian Belin - 1995 - Genève: Diffusion hors France, Slatkine.
  50.  17
    The Cultural Sciences and Their Basis in Life. On Ernst Cassirer's Theory of the Cultural Sciences.Christian Möckel - 2012 - In Torres Juan, Pombo Olga, Symons John & Rahman Shahid (eds.), Special sciences and the Unity of Science. Springer. pp. 259--267.
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